
Research Assistant Professor

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Department of Physics

1110 West Green Street

Urbana, IL 61801-3080

Phone: (217) 300-4508

Fax: (217)333-4898

E-mail: tsokaros@illinois.edu

Research Info

I am a member of the Illinois Relativity Group in the Department of Physics and an NCSA Faculty Fellow. My research focuses on general relativity and theoretical astrophysics. Some of the topics that I am working on include the inspiral and coalescence of compact binaries (binary black holes, binary neutron stars, or black hole-neutron stars); the generation of gravitational waves from merging binaries and other promising astrophysical sources, the counterpart electromagnetic and neutrino signals; the effect of the neutron star equation of state on the merger remnant; and the stability of rotating, magnetized neutron stars. In order to make quantitative predictions, numerical modeling is key to my research. From the calculation of a binary neutron star in a circular orbit, to its merger and further until the launching of a relativistic jet, large-scale computer simulations are required.